No. 606    |    21 October 2023


The 344th Night of Memoir-5

The 344th night of memoir was held on Thursday, the 23 February of 2023, with the presence of the brave men of the Air Force in the Soura Hall of Arts Center. In this program, General Alireza Rudbari, Second Brigadier General Fereydoun Samadi, General Mohammad Hasan Luqmaninejad and captive pilot Brigadier General Mohammad Sediq Qaderi shared their memories. Also, the book "Honest Pilot" was unveiled in the presence of Mohammad Hasan Abu Tarabifard. Davood Salehi was in charge of this night of memoir.

God Tested my Patience and Sacrifice

I felt, in the moments of activity, that I was on the stage of Karbala and I was fighting alongside Imam Hussain (PBUH). Many times, affairs were progressing with the help of Imam Hussain. In 1975, I obeyed the order of Imam Khomeini. My children and I participated in every assembly and march against the Shahs regime, and it had a special atmosphere. I used to hold Quran assembly and recitation of prayers in our house, ...

Memoirs from the moment the Iranian combatants taken as captives

Summer of 1369 (1990)

The book "Summer of 1369", written by Morteza Sarhangi, has been published by Soorah Mehr Publications in 1401(2022) in 1250 copies. The hologram price of this book is 94,000 Tomans and it has 324 pages. The books cover reminds the color of the combatants overcoats, and the color of its name evokes the yellow color of the summer. An old photo, one corner of which is folded and the other corner is torn, stands out next to the name of the book.

A cut from memoirs of Iran Torabi

Preparation of Soosangerd Hospital

We arrived in Soosangard around noon. It was the 21st day of Mehr [1359] (October 13, 1980). The situation of the city was almost the same as Ahvaz, and even worse. There was dirt and destruction everywhere. The city had almost been deserted. As Ahvaz Red Crescent had said, the city was still within reach of the enemy and no place was safe from their artillery and mortar fire. We rushed to the city hospital.

A Heritage with No Legal System

Oral history, which is conducted through targeted interviews, preserves a part of the past and transfers it to future generations, and contains important resources for researchers in various scientific disciplines. Many events and information of the contemporary era to be endured through these audio-visual files, without which, they cannot be preserved and transferred to the future. In many cases, oral history interviews have a unique position and preserving and publishing them is important in many ways; especially, since they may be the only source available from a person.

Oral History Weekly Magazine Aims and Regulations
Oral History Weekly Magazine wishes to create a suitable place for thoughts and idea development; Its main field would be “Oral History” and subjects as telling & writing memoirs, writing diaries, travelogues, chronologies, and all other subfields of history which are presented in the form of news, articles, reports, notes, interviews and memoirs can be included. There is no limitation on the length of would-be-sent materials.
Mentioning the name, academic background and email is necessary. Articles with complete references and bibliography are more credited and an abstract would quite helpful.
Weekly is not about to publish any material consisting insults and libels about other people or anything that brings anxiety to public opinion. Weekly can edit and translate the received materials.
The published articles and materials are only the writer’s ideas and Oral History Weekly Magazine has no responsibility about their content.

Da (Mother) 67

The Memoirs of Seyyedeh Zahra Hoseyni

Seyyedeh Zahra Hoseyni

Translated from the Persian with an Introduction by Paul Sprachman

Persian Version (2008)

Sooreh Mehr Publishing House

English Version (2014)

Mazda Publishers


The chaos and the psychological pressure I felt stopped me from going back to the Blazer. The din was horrible. The crying did not stop for a moment. At once dazed and frantic, I could neither cry nor stay calm, frantically looking for someone lost. If I found him, there would be true peace for me. With the arrival of the vans I helped load the wounded. I saw the Blazer move out with one of the vans. I jumped on the bumper and clung to the side. The van was full. I remained perched on the bumper all the way to the mosque. As soon as the van pulled up, people ran out of the building to help. Everyone was up and the lanterns were lit.

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