No. 525    |    16 February 2022


Review of the Eagle Eyes

For Air Force Day (February 8)

Undoubtedly, eight years of war and fighting against the invasion of the Baathist enemy had played a significant role in the history of the Iranian nation. Men, women, old and young, all along with the armed forces created an epic and resisted the enemy. The Air Force had a special place in this resilience. Brave pilots and crews sacrificed themselves to fight the invading enemy. Various fighters, bombers, and transport units directly played a crucial role ...

The 2nd online meeting of Oral History of Iran

Necessities of Theorizing in Iranian Oral History – 3

Morteza Nouraee, Abolfazl Hasanabadi and Faezeh Tavakoli participated in the second meeting out of the series of meetings on oral history of Iran held online on 27th of Azar 1400 (December 18, 2021) hosted by Mrs. Mosafa. In the meeting set up in the History Hallway of the Clubhouse, they talked about the necessities of theorizing in oral history. The third part of the show is as follows:

The Story of Taking the Photograph of Imam Khomeini in Najaf

In 1974- maybe 1975-, when I went to Iraq, one day I told Haj Mustafa to request Imam to permit me to take a lot of photos of him, but not a photo of a sheik who just sits with his cloak on his shoulders; but [it was better] he did his usual works and have nothing to do with me and I photograph. Haj Mostafa replied that he would get permission from the Imam to do it.

An excerpt from the memoirs of Mohammad Hassan Abdizdani

The condition of Tabriz Garrison in which it Fell

On the night of 11th of February, while I was in Tehran, I heard that the Tabriz Garrison had not yet been captured by the revolutionary forces and that the Maragheh armored force also wanted to attack Tabriz. I arrived in Tabriz at night. On the same day in Tehran, there was news that the Qazvin armored force wanted to attack Tehran; the people had dug the road and welded the iron ...

Oral History Weekly Magazine Aims and Regulations
Oral History Weekly Magazine wishes to create a suitable place for thoughts and idea development; Its main field would be “Oral History” and subjects as telling & writing memoirs, writing diaries, travelogues, chronologies, and all other subfields of history which are presented in the form of news, articles, reports, notes, interviews and memoirs can be included. There is no limitation on the length of would-be-sent materials.
Mentioning the name, academic background and email is necessary. Articles with complete references and bibliography are more credited and an abstract would quite helpful.
Weekly is not about to publish any material consisting insults and libels about other people or anything that brings anxiety to public opinion. Weekly can edit and translate the received materials.
The published articles and materials are only the writer’s ideas and Oral History Weekly Magazine has no responsibility about their content.

SABAH (97)

Memoirs of Sabah Vatankhah

Interviewed and Compiled by Fatemeh Doustkami

Translated by Natalie Haghverdian

Published by Soore Mehr Publishing Co.

Persian Version 2019


It had been few days that the mood of the hospital had changed. New operation was going to take place. All leaves were cancelled and all were in alert mode. The storage of the hospital was full of required medical and treatment equipment and facilities. From the reverberation going around, it was obvious that an important and big operation was in process. When I heard about the operations, my heart started pounding for Khorramshahr. 

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