No. 513    |    23 November 2021


Introducing the Name of Imam Khomeini for the First Time

A few days after the martyrdom of Haj Mustafa [Khomeini], scholars and clerics held a final assembly in the Bazaar Grand Mosque, where a large crowd had gathered. I also participated in that assembly. The speaker of that meeting, who was the late Sheikh Hassan Taheri from Isfahan, named Imam Khomeini after years when it had been forbidden, and the assembly ended with a great enthusiasm. The next day, Ayatollah Motahhari telephoned and said: ...

The 328th of ‘Night of Memorials’ - 1

Narrating the First Hours of the War

Narrating the memories of the holy defense, the 328th Night of Memorials was performed by Davoud Salehi on Thursday, September 23, 2021, in the tomb of the anonymous martyrs of the Hozeh Honari. Amir Jahangir Ibn Yamin and Timsar Akbar Zamani shared their memories in this meeting. At the beginning of his speech, the presenter commemorated the martyrs of the holy defense and the martyrs of Operation Kaman 99 as well as General Mansour Nazerian, Homayoun Shoghi, Ghaffar Raminfar, Gholam Hossein Orouji, ...

A brief review of the book "The Riders of Nineveh"

Oral History of Veteran Warrior "Haj Samad Abbasi"

Dr. Jalal Kaviani has been in charge of interviewing and compiling the book entitled "The Riders of Nineveh". The first edition of the book was published in 2020 by the Foundation for the Preservation of Relics and Publication of the Values of the Sacred Defense in West Azerbaijan, in 332 pages and 200 copies, and has entered the book market for 330,000 Rials. The book "The Riders of Nineveh" has a good cover design and some photos have been shown on both sides of the book cover.

The 327th Night of Memory - 2

Building an office for eulogizing in captivity

The three hundred and twenty-seventh program of the Night of Memory was held on Thursday, 26th of August 2021, with the theme of "Muharram during the war" in Ayatollah Khamenei Mosque with Hossein Behzadifar as the host. In this program, Misters Hossein Estiri and Mohammad Reza Golshani shared their memories. This program was broadcast online on the social networks of Shab-e Khatereh (Night of Memory) and Hozeh Honari (Art Center).

Oral History Weekly Magazine Aims and Regulations
Oral History Weekly Magazine wishes to create a suitable place for thoughts and idea development; Its main field would be “Oral History” and subjects as telling & writing memoirs, writing diaries, travelogues, chronologies, and all other subfields of history which are presented in the form of news, articles, reports, notes, interviews and memoirs can be included. There is no limitation on the length of would-be-sent materials.
Mentioning the name, academic background and email is necessary. Articles with complete references and bibliography are more credited and an abstract would quite helpful.
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SABAH (85)

Memoirs of Sabah Vatankhah

Interviewed and Compiled by Fatemeh Doustkami

Translated by Natalie Haghverdian

Published by Soore Mehr Publishing Co.

Persian Version 2019


Chapter Twenty Two

Twenty second day of the second month of winter of 1980 was approaching. We wanted to celebrate the anniversary of victory of revolution despite being in the war. We decided to hold an exhibition in the hospital. 

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