No. 438    |    12 May 2020


Memorable Roles/Forgotten Roles

"Memorable Roles-Review of Memory-writing Literature" authored and translated by Ahmad Okhovvat, edited by: M. B. Hajiani, published in coat pocket size (12*19) and 263 pages by Goman Publication; Second edition, winter 2020, 700 copies, price 500,000 Rial. In recent decades, numerous and various release of memory books in Iran and abroad, especially memoirs of the Revolution, eight years of Iran-Iraq War, has made memory-writing a pervasive and widespread phenomenon;

Second narrator of online Night of Memory

We had also microbial war at front

According to the website of Iranian Oral History, the 312th ceremony of Night of Memory was held online in Aparat website on 23rd of April 2020. In this show, Abdolreza Tarazi and Dr. Saeed Marzban Rad retold their memoirs of the Scared Defense era. In this program, Mehdi Salehi was present as the host and shared the questions related to the Night of Memory with the guests. The second narrator of ...

Taking a look at Ali Ishaqi Book on Oral History

I had the opportunity to read Mr. Ali Ishaqi book on oral history. According to my research on the second volume of the book "Fundamental Issues of War in the Works of the Army and the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps", I found some very interesting and rare points in the book that led to the writing of this notes. The reason for the importance and value of the book, in my opinion, ...

The Narration of Seyyed Yahya Safavi

"From Sanandaj to Khorramshahr"

Oral history of Sacred Defense

"From Sanandaj to Khorramshahr "is the title of the first volume of the book of narration of Seyyed Yahya (Rahim) Safavi about the history of sacred defense, which was published by the Sacred Defense Documentation and Research Center in 2018 by the late Dr. Hossein Ardestani. The book includes 28 conversations with the Sacred Defense Commander, which includes his birth until the end of Beit-ol-Moqaddas operation and the liberatiaon of Khorramshahr.

Oral History Weekly Magazine Aims and Regulations
Oral History Weekly Magazine wishes to create a suitable place for thoughts and idea development; Its main field would be “Oral History” and subjects as telling & writing memoirs, writing diaries, travelogues, chronologies, and all other subfields of history which are presented in the form of news, articles, reports, notes, interviews and memoirs can be included. There is no limitation on the length of would-be-sent materials.
Mentioning the name, academic background and email is necessary. Articles with complete references and bibliography are more credited and an abstract would quite helpful.
Weekly is not about to publish any material consisting insults and libels about other people or anything that brings anxiety to public opinion. Weekly can edit and translate the received materials.
The published articles and materials are only the writer’s ideas and Oral History Weekly Magazine has no responsibility about their content.


Memoirs of Sabah Vatankhah

Interviewed and Compiled by Fatemeh Doustkami

Translated by Natalie Haghverdian

Published by Soore Mehr Publishing Co.

Persian Version 2019


On 29th of Mordad of 1357 (19 August 1978), we heard the news of the Cinema Rex in Abadan which was set ablaze. Nearly four hundred men and women and children had died. People had gone to watch the movie called Reindeers but the movie hall had caught fire.

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