No. 240    |    14 February 2016


Publication of the first issue of Oral History Journal in Iran

Attention to oral history, carelessness to the press techniques

‘Oral History journal’ is one of those publications which is realized as a specialized one, as soon as you take it in hand. Setting the contents together, how they are expressed and even the number of pages which is dedicated to each topic, displays it very well.

An interview with Mohammadali Hajimoniri

Isfahan Student’s Movement (6)

As long as I can remember, graffiti was just doing in the toilets and I can’t remember elsewhere that I have seen. It should be noted, of course, that political climate of year 57 (1978-79) and initial state of revolution is another issue, and it is not our intended purpose. We are talking about those times. I mean the time of year 56 (1977-78), in month of Mehr, Aban, and Azar (October, November, and December).

Oral History as a Scientific Method

Dr. Ali Tatari, director of archive center of the Iranian parliament and a member of the Oral History Association of Iran, said plans are under way to expand the realm of oral history activities in state and private organs in the country.

A report from the 10th Expert Meeting of Iran’s Oral History

Oral history has a popular nature

According to the website of Iranian Oral History, the 10th Expert Meeting of Iran’s Oral History titled “The Oral History of Iranian Islamic Revolution 1963-1979” was held in Tehran’s Artistic Bureau on 27th of January 2016. The meeting was hosted by the Institute for Studies of Iranian Contemporary History with cooperation of the Association for Iranian Oral History.

Industrial and Mining Development Bank of Iran (4)

Narrated by Ali Zirak Nejad

I was in charge of management of this department. There were two departments for contract. We sent a telex and had to code it. I had the codes for both departments. I had my tenure as manager of treasury and financial manager of the bank. For instance, if I felt that USD 10 million is needed somewhere I would send a telex to the bank requesting the amount and it was done. The relevant bank would announce the rate and we would accept and place the order for action.

Oral History Weekly Magazine Aims and Regulations
Oral History Weekly Magazine wishes to create a suitable place for thoughts and idea development; Its main field would be “Oral History” and subjects as telling & writing memoirs, writing diaries, travelogues, chronologies, and all other subfields of history which are presented in the form of news, articles, reports, notes, interviews and memoirs can be included. There is no limitation on the length of would-be-sent materials.
Mentioning the name, academic background and email is necessary. Articles with complete references and bibliography are more credited and an abstract would quite helpful.
Weekly is not about to publish any material consisting insults and libels about other people or anything that brings anxiety to public opinion. Weekly can edit and translate the received materials.
The published articles and materials are only the writer’s ideas and Oral History Weekly Magazine has no responsibility about their content.

Air Raid to Al-Waleed (8)‎
The Story of Demolishing Fighters and the Equipment in Al-Waleed Triple Military Bases ‎Known as H-3‎

By: Brigadier General Ahmad Mehrnia
Tehran, Sooreh Mehr Publications Company
‎2010 (Persian Version)‎
Translated by: Zahra Hosseinian


Retired pilot, Colonel Gholam Hossein (Behrouz) Naghdibeik says:

“One day, a number of experienced pilots of other bases were invited to Hamadan. We ourselves were not then aware that what is happening. Operation Deputy of base called newly arrived pilots and a number of us to the command post of air base and explained general points of our mission cautiously. I think, of course, the leader had been well filled in on the details.

 Fourteen F-4 fighter/bombers armed with bombs and ammunition. Although we thought that the operation is completely confidential and no one knew it, but one of non-commissioned officers who was a friend of mine, asked me: ‘attacking Iraqi’s Tupolev base, what’s the matter?’ as soon as we left the command post. Then-commander, Colonel Golchin was with us and I quickly raised the issue with him. However, it was decided to carry out the mission. I remember he justified that a dozen Phantoms must implement the main operation according to the plan and two Phantoms accompany them near the borders of North West, as a substitute; and if there is no need, back to the insider base. Also, two tanker aircraft will be waiting for delivering fuel above the Lake Uremia.

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