 Oral history of Islamic Revolution in Bushehr (1)Campaign centers In the following article, we will review the process of campaigns against the Pahlavi regime as well as the current of the Islamic revolution in Bushehr Province and in particular, the city of Bushehr. It also reviews the Islamic movement of the people of Bushehr in following the leader of the revolution Imam Khomeini (God bless his soul).

 Eduction Ministry Oral History During 8 Years of Imposed WarIn 261st program of “Memory Night”, Ali –Asghar Fani narrated his memories from the 8 years of War and Education Ministry attempts
According to the report by Iranian Oral history Website, 261st program of Memory Night was held in Arts Center (Hozeh-ye Honari) on September 24th.

 Ja’fari revolutionized Iran’s publishing industryFollowing the demise of the founding figure of Amir Kabir Publication Institute in Iran Abdul-Karim Ja’fari, author and journalist Ali Dehbashi, said that Ja’fari could lead the Iranian publishing industry to a modern stage.

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Oral History Weekly Magazine wishes to create a suitable place for thoughts and idea development; Its main field would be “Oral History” and subjects as telling & writing memoirs, writing diaries, travelogues, chronologies, and all other subfields of history which are presented in the form of news, articles, reports, notes, interviews and memoirs can be included. There is no limitation on the length of would-be-sent materials.
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  Daughter of Sheena-51
Memories of Qadamkheyr Mohammadi Kanaan
Wife of Sardar Shaheed Haj Sattar Ebrahimi Hajir
Memory writer: Behnaz Zarrabizadeh
Tehran, Sooreh Mehr Publications Company, 2011 (Persian Version)
Translated by Zahra Hosseinian
At night I packed my hold-all. Early morning, we would go to the office of Revolutionary Guard Corps. It was planned for the bus to move from there. We had sat in a great waiting hall. Mahdi was in my arms and Somayeh was in my mother-in-law’s. Khadija and Masumah also were with us. A movie was on TV until the bus was prepared to move. A woman came into and said loudly: “In front of entrance someone wants to see Mrs. Mohammadi.”
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