Home page and note of the week of the magazine No.139 Call to Boycott the Oral History Conference at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Open Letter Hiroshima Travelogue: Episode 8 Globalizing Palestine Events mark acquisition; UF celebrates Stetson Kennedy's work Share oral history between generations Duncan's totem project completion offers signage and oral histories Living History: Utah’s Maud Fitch had the right stuff in WWI
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No.138 Hiroshima Travelogue - Episode 7 On Making Oral Histories More Accessible to Persons with Hearing Loss 5th Global Conference: STORYTELLING Trevor Lummis: Leading figure in the development of the oral history movement Our lessons with Martin Luther King: Eight students recall a special class (3)
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No.137 Hiroshima Travelogue - Episode 6 Llanview in the Afternoon Oral History Projects Document Hurricane Sandy New course keeps local history alive 2014 Annual Meeting Call for Papers Our lessons with Martin Luther King: Eight students recall a special class (2)
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No.136 Hiroshima Travelogue - Episode 5 Oral History of York University OCEANIA, AUSTRALIA Public Symposium: Magdalene Institutions Our lessons with Martin Luther King: Eight students recall a special class (I)
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No.135 Hiroshima travelogue - Episode 4 Procedures of Audio Recorded Interviews At COLUMBIA CENTER FOR ORAL HISTORY NCCA helps preserve heritage of Laoang and Capul, Northern Samar MEMORY AND NATURE IN THE GREAT FLOOD OF 1966
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No.134 Hiroshima Travelogue - Episode 3 ‘Da’ to hit American bookshelves Russian written scolds erroneous impression of Iran-Iraq war in Russia IOHA CONFERENCE/MASTERCLASS The first OHAI conference, 18th-19th November 2013, Bangalore, India USA: The Apollo Project
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No.133 Explanation or Analysis on Oral History of War Hiroshima Travelogue- Episode 2 Oral history experience weekend inspires others to capture memories Picturing the Family: Media, Narrative, Memory Wanted: Bits of old Warren
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No.132 Hiroshima Travelogue- Episode 1 Oral History at African American Library, Gregory School History Wars, Wars in History & Other Southern African Histories TCC Gig Harbor hosts display of photographs from Oral History Project War, Memory, and Gender: An Interdisciplinary Conference
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No.131 Iran to release books on Minorsky 'Russia from Peter the Great to Our Time' Oral History in the Video Age Memories of Nazi and Stalinist repression UCLA's oral historians tell L.A.'s story with community voices
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No.130 Revayat Fath to present 25 titles at FIBF Iran to attend Moscow Book Fair Sarajevo to laud Mahmoud Dowlatabadi Panos London closes its doors after 26 years Everest students to release civil rights history book