Home page and note of the week of the magazine No.149 World War Words: The Creation of a World War II–Specific Vocabulary for the Oral History Collection at The National WWII Museum (2) Remembering Forced Labour. A Digital Interview Archive Written History vs. the Oral Tradition Is Oral History Good for You?
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No.148 Fellowship: Wonderful New Opportunity, Fulbright - National Geographic Digital Storytelling Fellowship Call for papers: “Travelling Memories: Lives in Transition” Procedures of Video Recorded Interviews At COLUMBIA CENTER FOR ORAL HISTORY Preserving the Past with Oral History World War Words: The Creation of a World War II–Specific Vocabulary for the Oral History Collection at The National WWII Museum (1)
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No.147 The miracle of Imam Khomeini’s “Nothing” The Reasons of Establishment and Consequences of Afghan Immigrants’ Self-run Schools in Isfahan (Iran) 750 hours of interview conducted about oral history of revolution Review: Duty Review: Soviet Families' Inner Lives-2 ORAL HISTORY: A Collaborative Method of (Auto)Biography Interview (Part VI)
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No.146 Hiroshima Travelogue - Final Episode Review: Soviet Families' Inner Lives-1 Bosnian memories preserved in St. Louis The importance of historical accuracy in the present day ORAL HISTORY: A Collaborative Method of (Auto)Biography Interview (Part V)
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No.145 Hiroshima Travelogue - Episode 14 Generous Scholarships Available WRITERS WRITE: The importance of oral tradition Oral History Project Documenting Oil Spill Impact Funded with Grant from NOAA ORAL HISTORY: A Collaborative Method of (Auto)Biography Interview (Part IV)
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No.144 Hiroshima Travelogue -Episode 13 1st Global Conference - Testimony: With photos and oral history, a new book The Bard Graduate Center Craft, Art, and Design Oral History Project ORAL HISTORY: A Collaborative Method of (Auto)Biography Interview (Part III)
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No.143 Hiroshima Travelogue- Episode 12 ORAL HISTORY: A Collaborative Method of (Auto)Biography Interview (Part II) ANZAC Memories Afghans oral history sets the record straight Have you been in the dock at old crown court?
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No.142 Hiroshima Travelogue - Episode 11 IOHA CONFERENCE/MASTERCLASS SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM Voices of Science: launch of new British Library website The Digitization and Democratization of Oral History Working on Labor Day with Studs Terkel ORAL HISTORY: A Collaborative Method of (Auto)Biography Interview (Part I)
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No.141 Hiroshima Travelogue - Episode 10 JSC Oral History Project Cambodian instruments strike a cultural chord in downtown Modesto Library of Congress Receives Collection of Oral Histories from Prominent African Americans At 107, nation’s oldest veteran helps preserve Texas history
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No.140 Hiroshima Travelogue- Episode 9 Video technology assists in preservation of oral history Into the digital, oral era Oral History, Community, and Work in the American West Amy’s Notebook: Talking Delta Kibbe in Oklahoma