Home page and note of the week of the magazine No. 363 History, Narrative of Possibility The Family of Hosseini and the Family of Avdić, Khoramshahr and Srebrenica Narration of fellow fighting with Kaveh in "Javid Memories" Oral History of Theater for Children and Young Adults in Iran
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No. 362 Hidden History and Oral History Memoirs of Ezzat Shahi, a model for Oral Historians A Kurdish Lady Memories Historians are the First Reporters
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No. 361 Secrets and Humors of the War Martyrs Oral history and paying more attention to details The origin of questions in oral history interview Iranian Kazakhs in the Holy Defense
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No. 360 Publication of Oral History Theory in Persian Narrative and Memories of Behrouz Esbati from Formation of the War Poem Congress Narration of life through oral history The Lack of Attention to the Types of Utilization in Oral History
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No. 359 "A Transition in History" Oral History Is a Kind of Document A hospital inside train People-centered Memory Night
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No. 358 Oral History Documents Have Interactive Interactions Only a Persian Melon Has Remained! The Narration of a Teenager in Book "The Soldiers of Niar" Memoirs from the world of sports and athletes
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No. 357 Memory-telling about Dr. Chamran and Dastmal-Sorkhha Using oral history method in “Who Wore My Clothes?” Imperative flaunt of documentation in oral history
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No. 356 The Time between Interview and Compilation Must Be Reduced Interviewer Should Use Ethology
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No. 355 Memory-writing is like making rosary Interview Is the Heart of Oral History
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No. 354 Micro Oral History From reconnaissance to commandership of an operation A Strong Interview Is Tied with Research About documents from 1968 to 1978 Memories which Are Narrated about Imam Khomeini