Home page and note of the week of the magazine No. 354 Micro Oral History From reconnaissance to commandership of an operation A Strong Interview Is Tied with Research About documents from 1968 to 1978 Memories which Are Narrated about Imam Khomeini
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No. 353 Research workshop Rationalization Is Variable Over Time A Step toward Oral History of Red Crescent Memoirs from two operations, aviation and martyrs
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No. 352 Rationalization Represents the Mastery of Compiler over Text "Compilation in Oral History" Narrated by 15 Articles It Was Stated in an Interview with Eghlimeh Jahedi
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No. 351 Pathology of Oral History in Iran Reliable sources enrich Rationalization
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No. 350 Night of Memory Show The Thirty-First Book Fair and Memory Books Memoirs are not oral history Applying Oral History in Iranian Schools Based on Lesson Plan
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No. 349 The 290th Session of Memory Night Memories of Resistance Accompaniment of oral and visual history Similar in appearance, but different
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No. 348 Nature of questions in oral history interviews "The Seeds of Pomegranate", "You Are Iranian; Are not You?", "Thirteen in Seven" Relief in Khorramshahr and Abadan
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No. 347 A Bullet Wasn’t Able to Cope With Life Oral History of Literature Faculty of Isfahan University Research Literature & Oral History
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No. 346 Memoirs from the days of Abadan siege and Fadaiyan-e Islam Intellectual capital and necessity for documentation of achievements with oral history method Memories about face of photo of Behesht-e Zahra (SA) facade
Home page and note of the week of the magazine No. 345 Oral History of Laborers Narrating was made of suffering "The Custom of Jihad", " One another Person" and "From Mashhad to Johannesburg" From narration of operations to registration of oral history of commanders