Political activities of railway workers in ArakTranslated by M. B. KhoshnevisanI started taking the leaflets, and their distribution and reproduction in Dey of 1356 (December 1977) when an insulting article was written about the Imam. When I [Mohammed Javad Gerami] and other railway workers were at work and commuting to Qom by train, we took the leaflets from the offices of Mr. Pasandideh, the brother of Imam Khomeini, Ayatollah Golpayegani and Ayatollah Shariatmadari, brought them to Arak, and then reproduced and distributed them.

 Working in Jihad SazandegiMemories of Saeedeh SeddighzadehAt the very beginning of the revolution, Imam Khomeini ordered to establish several institutions such as Jihad Sazandegi (Jihad of Construction), Basij, and Nehzat-e Savad Amuzi (Literacy Movement). Did you also work in these institutions? I held a class on behalf of Narjes School (Maktab-e Narjes) for educators of the literacy movement who wanted to become a teacher in villages. I taught methods of teaching Quran, attractions of classroom management, and dealing with students.

 The 339th Night of Memory -3Mail CarrierThe 339th Night of Memory titled "Mail Carrier" was held on Thursday, September 29, 2022, with the presence of the Postbank family of the country in Soreh Hall of the Arts Center presented by Dawood Salehi. The first narrator of the program, Ms. Maryam Katebi, continued her speech and said: the operation Beit-ol-Moqaddas was also successful, and after that, Ahmad went to Lebanon and the story of the captivity happened.

 Book ReviewOne of Those 33 PeopleOral history by Mehrdad OrangOne of Those 33 People, was published by Yohana Publication, Arak, 2023, in 308 pages, 500 volumes, at the price of 900,000 Rials. The emblem of Markazi General Department for the Preservation and Publication of Sacred Defense Works and Values is also seen on the back cover. Mohammad Sadegh Ashuri and Khosrow Asadpour conducted the interviews, and the recreation and editing of the book was done by Alireza Salehi and Fatemeh Moradi.

Oral History Weekly Magazine Aims and Regulations
Oral History Weekly Magazine wishes to create a suitable place for thoughts and idea development; Its main field would be “Oral History” and subjects as telling & writing memoirs, writing diaries, travelogues, chronologies, and all other subfields of history which are presented in the form of news, articles, reports, notes, interviews and memoirs can be included. There is no limitation on the length of would-be-sent materials.
Mentioning the name, academic background and email is necessary. Articles with complete references and bibliography are more credited and an abstract would quite helpful.
Weekly is not about to publish any material consisting insults and libels about other people or anything that brings anxiety to public opinion. Weekly can edit and translate the received materials.
The published articles and materials are only the writer’s ideas and Oral History Weekly Magazine has no responsibility about their content.
  Da (Mother) 49
The Memoirs of Seyyedeh Zahra Hoseyni
Seyyedeh Zahra Hoseyni
Translated from the Persian with an Introduction by Paul Sprachman
Persian Version (2008)
Sooreh Mehr Publishing House
English Version (2014)
Mazda Publishers
Ten: Yearning to Go to the Front
Early the next morning I saw Mr. Najjar washing his hands with a white liquid after each time he bandaged someone. He would also wash the blood from the floor and apply the same white liquid to the spill. Curious, I asked him about it. “This is Dettol, a powerful disinfectant,” he said.