No. 485    |    20 April 2021


Part of the Memoirs of Seyyed Ghalbi Hossein Razavi Kashmiri

Ayatollah Khamenei Trip to Kashmir

Another pure memoir, which I can remember about the Imam Khomeini movement (before I came to Iran), is about the supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei trip to Kashmir, which, if I am not mistaken, was in late 1980 or early 1981. One week before the arrival of the supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei, a person named Eng. Javad Sarfaraz, who was later martyred along with Martyr Beheshti, arrived in Kashmir. He had a close relationship with the Islamic Association of Iranian Students.

Oral History of the Revolution in Department of Hozeh Honari of Provinces

The Capacity of People Narratives

Since its establishment, Culture and Sustainability Studies center in Department of Hozeh Honari of Provinces has attempted to collect and publish the oral history of the Islamic Revolution and the Holy Defense in different provinces and cities. To get acquainted with how this center was established and with its activities, especially in the field of the Islamic Revolution, Mohammad Ghasemipour, the head of Culture and Sustainability Studies center in Department of Hozeh Honari of Provinces,

The 322nd Night of Memory -1

Birthday Party after Doing Ablution for Corona Dead

The 322nd Night of Memory program was held in person and online on Instagram on March 25, 2021. In this program, Hujjat al-Islam Seyed Hossein Naqibpour, Hujjat al-Islam Hassani, Hujjat al-Islam Taherloui, and Ms. Rahmani Nejad shared their memories. In this program, which was especially for jihadist clergymen, Davood Salehi was present as a presenter. The first guest of this Night of Memory program was Seyed Hossein Naqibpour, one of the jihadist mullah.

Oral History Weekly Magazine Aims and Regulations
Oral History Weekly Magazine wishes to create a suitable place for thoughts and idea development; Its main field would be “Oral History” and subjects as telling & writing memoirs, writing diaries, travelogues, chronologies, and all other subfields of history which are presented in the form of news, articles, reports, notes, interviews and memoirs can be included. There is no limitation on the length of would-be-sent materials.
Mentioning the name, academic background and email is necessary. Articles with complete references and bibliography are more credited and an abstract would quite helpful.
Weekly is not about to publish any material consisting insults and libels about other people or anything that brings anxiety to public opinion. Weekly can edit and translate the received materials.
The published articles and materials are only the writer’s ideas and Oral History Weekly Magazine has no responsibility about their content.

SABAH (56)

Memoirs of Sabah Vatankhah

Interviewed and Compiled by Fatemeh Doustkami

Translated by Natalie Haghverdian

Published by Soore Mehr Publishing Co.

Persian Version 2019


Chapter twelve

Our aid team was lost. We had no update on Dr. Saadat for the past few days. I thought that he has gone out of Khorramshahr with aid team but this was not the case and we had no news about his whereabouts.

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